

There is much to be gained from the challenges that we experience as learners. As a part of the course, we will record the issues and problems that we encounter as we work to complete our projects.

It is probably wise to define the meaning of an issue. For our purposes an issue is defined as:

An issue is any roadblock or unintended impact that directly affects your project’s timeline and or performance. It’s different than a risk, which can be defined as a potential problem or future issue that might happen in your project. An issue is something that has already come up in your project, and you need to identify and track that issue immediately.

Thus, we will need to keep track of the issues that we encounter as we work to complete our project in order to effectively resolve the multitude of problems that we face.

I want to point out the connection between the issues log and reflective thought. Specifically, it is through the process of reflection that we can identify issues as well as seek solutions to our problems.

I have created an issues log for us to make visible our issues and our efforts to resolve these issues.


The purpose of this activity is two fold: 1) to provide you with an opportunity to identify the elements of an issues log; and 2) to offer you an opportunity to learn how writeup an issue.


To complete this activity, click on the Issues Log link in the main menu (upper right corner of you screen). This will take you to the issues log where I have posted an issue that needs to be resolved.

To complete this activity, follow the steps below:

Step 1

Form a small group of two to three students.

Step 2

Make a copy of the discussion questions and share it with our group. Click here for discussion questions.

Step 3

Download a copy of the Issues Log Handout.

Step 4

Read the Issues Log Handout and then work with your group to answer the discussion question.

Step 5

For the final step, you are to write a blog post telling what should be included in an issue log and how the issues writeup should be organized. Do not copy and paste the discussion questions for your blog post. Use the discussion questions to help you write.

Assessment Outcomes

I can read directions to engage in classroom activities by effectively participating in class.
I can infer the meaning of the text to answer discussion questions.
I can recognize and apply different elements of an issues log by completing the discussion questions.
I can effectively explain how to write an issues log entry by posting to my blog.
I can communicate and collobrate with others by completing a task in a timely manner.


Personal Value for an issue posted is 200 dollars
Team Value for a resolved issued is 500 dollars



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