Idea to Startup



The purpose of this activity is for you and your group to recognize that startup ventures emerge from the ideas of entrepreneurs.


To give you some insight into how an idea evolves into a business, please follow the steps below:

Step 1

Create a Google Document to record your answers and save it in your Entrepreneurship folder.

Step 2

Decide which videos your group will watch. Each member is responsible for viewing a single video. there are five different videos that provide insight into how entrepreneurs came up with an idea and then used that idea to develop a startup.

Step 3

After watching the video, you should be able to answers the following questions:

  1. What experiences and/or beliefs lead to the business idea?
  2. What problem does the startup address?
  3. Do you think customers will be buy the product or service? Why?
  4. Who are the customers?
  5. What steps did the entrepreneur take to start the business?
  6. What are some the risks?

You should answer these question in your notebook. I suggest that copy and paste the questions in your notebook and then provide answers to the question.

Step 4

After you have answered the questions, you are to get with your team and share the contents of each video.

Step 5

After your team engages in a discussion, you are write a blog post about your startup venture.

Step 6

Finally, you and your team need to create a diagram show how ideas are generated and how these ideas become a startup venture.  Look for a pattern among all the startups. I will give you paper.

Step 7

To conclude this activity, you are to write a blog post telling how startup ventures emerge and develop.

Assessment Outcomes

  1. I can read directions to effectively participate in the activity.
  2. I can answer questions based on my reading/viewing of entrepreneurial startups.
  3. I can compose a concise and coherent blog that reflects my learning.
  4. I can engage in collaborative discussion to build entrepreneurial concepts.
Team Value is $1000
Personal Value is $250 for each blog post




Litter Jewelry


Mr. Tod’s Pies

Hope Soap I



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