Feedback on Thursday 3/5/20

1. Make sure you have posted your interview questions.

2. Post the transcripts of the interview.

3. Without these two tasks finished you cannot complete both the empathy map and the user map.

4. Make sure you use indicate the category of the post. I makes it easy to find different posts that are older.

5. Many groups are falling into a price problem. You are thinking that price is the major determinate for a product or service. This way of thinking will prevent you from recognizing the complexity of your product offering and it is unrealistic. At the early stages of development, price is not the main focus, but the customer problem. If the problem has a significant pain point for the customer, they will buy your product.

6. Refer to the tasks page from yesterday to stay up to date.

Teams with a value below $19,000 on Wednesday 3/12 are subject to reorganization. You will have an option to seek employment with another team or become a consultant. A consultant learns skills at my direction and then attempts to sell them to other teams. For example, you may learn about financial statements or do research on a particular industry. In any event, you would create a blog to show you skill set and make regular presentations about your services.


I can’t say this enough: The purpose of blogging is to keep a running record of your project. Thus, the collection of blog posts will allow you and your team to build a compelling story for your startup. You story will be told at the end of the course so without this information (blogs) your story will have missing parts.

Dollar Value Update as 2/12/20

I want to provide you with the following information on dollar values as of today.

First, you can post a blog at anytime and as many blogs as you want. Blogs are worth $250.

In terms of activities, the following activities has been done and should be recorded. Some of these values.

1/22 — Blog Setup $200 — PV

1/27 — Concept Map — $200 — PV

1/28 — Concept Map Blog — $250 — PV

1/30 — Design Thinking Activity — $10,000 divided by team members — PV

2/4 — Team Formation — $1,000 — TV

2/6 — Case Study — $2,000 — TV

2/7 — Think Tank — $100 per idea — TV

2/10 — Fishbone Diagram — $1,000 — TV

I suggest that you create a sheet that records your entries and share this with your team. It is important that you know what has been recorded as the leaderboard does not display individual entries.

Please let me know if you believe I have have made a mistake or missed something.

Team 7 — 2/12/20

Based on our conversation, I believe that you have a viable idea to develop a startup. While there is much to be worked out going forward, I suggest that you complete this two week course on building chatbots. Click here for course registration. After the first lesson, you will see that you will need to anticipate the kinds of responses your users will make. From there you will need to design or program specific responses. I suggest that you pick a single kind of problem your user will want to discuss to gain knowledge.

You should also begin completing your first three sections of you proposal.

Leaderboard Entries

Going forward, you need to use the Leaderboard Entry Form correctly. Use the following guidelines:

1. Complete the form fully when recording personal values with the exception of quality.

2. Make sure you provide an accurate description of the task.

3. If you making a team only entry, then leave your last name blank.

If you are unable to follow these directions, your entry will be deleted and you will receive a $200 dollar deduction for not following directions. You will then need to re-enter the form. It is better to get it right the first time.

If you have any questions ask me before it costs.

Business Idea

Finding an idea that you and your team can advance into a viable startup requires the ability to turn away from ideas where a problem will not attract the attention of customers. In addition, there are problems where solving the problem is not in the interest of the business.

Based on yesterday’s work, you want to think about the problems you were attempting to define. Ask yourself, is this a problem that customers will pay money to solve and will your team be able to develop a viable solution to the problem.

Going forward, it is important that you focus your attention on finding problems that you have some experience with and that the solution to the problem can be solved by applying digital tools, in particular develop some kind of web app.