Blog Setup

For this course, you will be expected to maintain a blog. The purpose of the blog is two fold: 1) provide an opportunity to reflect on your experiences in order to construct an understanding of the entrepreneurial process; and 2) provide evidence of you engagement and learning in the class.

To complete this activity, you will need to follow the steps outline below:

Step 1

Go to and create an account

When you create your account make sure you use your first and last name as I need to be able to locate your blog. In addition, you may have a mentor who needs to reach you and they will not know your nickname.

Step 2

Create your blog. Use your first name to name your blog. For example, if your name is Jane, then the name your blog: Jane’s Blog. Its that easy. Don’t make this difficult.

Step 3

Join this class. Request to join: startupsathubble

Step 4

Select your theme. Chose from one of the following themes: 1) Chun, 2) Extra, 3) PinPress, 4) OneColumn, and 5) Scratchpad.

Step 5

Go to the dashboard and click on the following settings.

Step 6

Create your main menu.

Assessment Outcomes

I can setup a blogging account and design a home page that readers find easy to navigate.

I can follow directions and ask questions to resolve my struggles.


Personal Value: 200 dollars






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