I want to provide you with the following information on dollar values as of today.

First, you can post a blog at anytime and as many blogs as you want. Blogs are worth $250.

In terms of activities, the following activities has been done and should be recorded. Some of these values.

1/22 — Blog Setup $200 — PV

1/27 — Concept Map — $200 — PV

1/28 — Concept Map Blog — $250 — PV

1/30 — Design Thinking Activity — $10,000 divided by team members — PV

2/4 — Team Formation — $1,000 — TV

2/6 — Case Study — $2,000 — TV

2/7 — Think Tank — $100 per idea — TV

2/10 — Fishbone Diagram — $1,000 — TV

I suggest that you create a sheet that records your entries and share this with your team. It is important that you know what has been recorded as the leaderboard does not display individual entries.

Please let me know if you believe I have have made a mistake or missed something.

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