Personal Value Update

The image the below shows current tasks. I suggest that you refer to the entries below to make sure your spreadsheet accurately reflects all tasks. Note the total personal value at this point is $3,100.

Feedback on Thursday 9/27

Most groups are experiencing some difficulties in generating ideas. Here are some suggestions to help you and your group to generate ideas.

1. Look for problems that you see or have experienced yourself. Then, come up with ways to solve this problem.

2. Look have new and exciting technologies, then consider how this technology might be used to solve a problem.

3. Identify some businesses that you find interesting. Consider how you can disrupt their business by creating a new business that forces that business to change.

Agenda for Friday 9/28

Here is today’s agenda:

1. Work in your groups to generate ideas for a potential startup
2. Make two blog posts:
a) a list of your startup ideas
b) the problems or difficulties you experienced in generating ideas
3. Update your personal value spreadsheet to reflect the status of your work

I will be checking your work and updating team and personal values.

Agenda for Thursday 9/27

Here is today’s agenda

1. Review the ideas you and your team generated yesterday
2. Continue to generate ideas with your team
3. Blog your ideas to the your blog — tomorrow we will test your ideas for viability
4. I will record team value for this activity

The purpose of think tank is to come up with ideas not to judge them.

Agenda for Wednesday 9/26

Here is today’s agenda

1. Finish your blog post from yesterday: Discuss the entrepreneurial process or what do entrepreneurs to develop a business
2. Update your Personal Value spreadsheet
3. Present your diagram to me for team value
4. Work in your small group to complete the Think Tank Activity
5. Post to your blog: tell about the ideas you generated and how you came up with the business idea